
Looking for exiting projects?

As a modern, agile, first- and second-generation family business, we stand for quality work and exciting projects. We work closely together in teams of specialists and learn from each other. At the same time, each individual has the freedom and support to develop. This is important to us.

We travel internationally, work for family-owned companies and corporations, and are involved in numerous forward-looking projects, such as the development of German battery production for e-mobility. We look to the future together, keep hierarchies flat and value room for personal development. Would you like to join us?

We are looking for you and look forward to hearing from you.

Our values

This is our mission.


Our expertise is based on the knowledge, skills and engagement of our specialists. As a team, we pool our expertise to push boundaries and meet new challenges. And we always look to the future.


Trust is the bedrock of our work. We live collegiality and partnership to achieve more together in projects. That's why reliability is so important to us. A word is a word, an agreement is an agreement and an appointment is an appointment.


We employ people who love what they do. Passion generates enthusiasm. This is evident in our daily work and pays off in successful projects - and is also transferred to our customers.


We are a family-friendly company

As a family business, it is important to us to be able to balance work and family life. For us, this is not just lip service, but a lived reality. We don't just do it "somehow", but on the basis of a jointly developed concept for which we have been officially certified as a "family-friendly company". This means that mothers and fathers are welcome here.

What you can expect

Working at MPC

Trust-based working time

Work when it suits you. This model has worked very well for us in recent years. The trust placed in us and the personal responsibility give us not only freedom, but also a good feeling.


We want our employees to be able to balance work, life and family. That is why we create freedom and offer flexibility. MPC is a certified family-friendly company.

Personal development

Develop your own talents, follow your own path. We live and breathe a culture of support so that everyone can develop their potential.

Promotion opportunities

Many of our colleagues started as working students and are now project engineers. Each project brings progress, experience and the opportunity to learn new things.

Health promotion

The health of our employees is important to us. For example, we encourage gym memberships, offer fresh fruit and water in the office, and focus on ergonomics in the workplace.

Home office

Presence when needed, home office when possible. This has worked very well for us. We are open to New Work and appreciate the benefits of digital collaboration.


We want you!

Apply and join our team.

Working Student


Interested in good engineering, exciting projects, personal freedom and good pay?


Working Student


Interested in good engineering, exciting projects, personal freedom and good pay?


Neben der guten Arbeitsatmosphäre schätze ich an MPC vor allem die abwechslungsreichen Projekte, in denen man für Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen nachhaltige Fabriken plant und umsetzt.

Phillip Scherer, Projektingenieur

Kreativität – das Wort, das meinen Arbeitsalltag am besten beschreibt und mich motiviert. Mit Kreativität nachhaltige Fabriken planen, die begeistern. Dazu trägt vor allem unser junges, motiviertes Team aus kreativen Köpfen bei, jeder bringt seine individuellen Fähigkeiten mit und teilt diese auch gerne. Der Austausch im Team, die Möglichkeit von Schulungen und Weiterbildungen, sowie die abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit täglich neuen Herausforderungen, bringen eine stetige persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung.

Madeline Wendland, Projektingenieurin

Besonders die Arbeit im Team imponiert mir. Wir versuchen stets gemeinsam die beste Lösung zu erarbeiten, die unsere Kunden nachhaltig begeistert.

David Horn, Senior Projektingenieur

Ich schätze die Vielseitigkeit meiner Arbeit bei MPC sehr: Durch Projekte in unterschiedlichen Branchen und Fachgebieten wird der eigene Horizont ständig erweitert.

Alexander Pawel, Senior Manager